
Arnold Franz Walter Schoenberg or Schönberg (13 September 1874 – 13 July 1951) was an Austrian composer, music theorist, and painter. He was associated with the expressionist movement in German poetry and art, and leader of the Second Viennese School. By 1938, with the rise of the Nazi Party, Schoenberg's works were labeled degenerate music, because he was Jewish (Anon. 1997–2013). He moved to the United States in 1934.

Schoenberg's approach, both in terms of harmony and development, has been one of the most influential of 20th-century musical thought. Many European and American composers from at least three generations have consciously extended his thinking, whereas others have passionately reacted against it.

Schoenberg was known early in his career for simultaneously extending the traditionally opposed German Romantic styles of Brahms and Wagner. Later, his name would come to personify innovations in atonality (although Schoenberg himself detested that term) that would become the most polemical feature of 20th-century art music. In the 1920s, Schoenberg developed the twelve-tone technique, an influential compositional method of manipulating an ordered series of all twelve notes in the chromatic scale. He also coined the term developing variation and was the first modern composer to embrace ways of developing motifs without resorting to the dominance of a centralized melodic idea.

Schoenberg was also an influential teacher of composition; his students included Alban Berg, Anton Webern, Hanns Eisler, Egon Wellesz, Nikos Skalkottas, and later John Cage, Lou Harrison, Earl Kim, Roberto Gerhard, Leon Kirchner, and other prominent musicians. Many of Schoenberg's practices, including the formalization of compositional method and his habit of openly inviting audiences to think analytically, are echoed in avant-garde musical thought throughout the 20th century. His often polemical views of music history and aesthetics were crucial to many significant 20th-century musicologists and critics, including Theodor W. Adorno, Charles Rosen, and Carl Dahlhaus, as well as the pianists Artur Schnabel, Rudolf Serkin, Eduard Steuermann, and Glenn Gould.

Schoenberg's archival legacy is collected at the Arnold Schönberg Center in Vienna.


Arnold Franz Walter Schoenberg or Schönberg (13 September 1874 – 13 July 1951) was an Austrian composer, music theorist, and painter. He was associated with the expressionist movement in German poetry and art, and leader of the Second Viennese School. By 1938, with the rise of the Nazi Party, Schoenberg's works were labeled degenerate music, because he was Jewish (Anon. 1997–2013). He moved to the United States in 1934.

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12 albums
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MOZART Le Nozze di Figaro - Overture
MOZART Eight German Dances
SCHUMANN Symphony No. 4
SMETANA Three Dances from The Bartered Bride
DELIBES Music from Sylvia & La Source
KREISLER Kreiserliana
SCHOENBERG Verklärte Nacht
music by Ravel, Tchaikovsky, Strauss, Dvořák, Drigo

Studio recordings, 1934
Total duration: 2hr 32:37

Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra
conducted by Eugene Ormandy

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SCHOENBERG Pelleas und Melisande
SCHOENBERG Verkärte Nacht

Live recordings, 1941 & 1962
Total duration: 66:50

NBC Symphony Orchestra
conducted by Leopold Stokowski

Boston Symphony Orchestra
conducted by Erich Leinsdorf

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SCHOENBERG Verklärte Nacht
BARTÓK Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion
GOULD Dance Variations
Recorded 1952 and 1953
Total duration: 73:59

San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
Stokowski Symphony Orchestra
conducted by Leopold Stokowski

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SCHOENBERG Gurrelieder
HINDEMITH Kammermusik No. 2

Live recordings, 1932
Total duration:  2hr 21:50

Paul Althouse Waldemar
Jeanette Vreeland Tove
Rose Bampton Die Waldtaube
Abrasha Robofsky Bauer
Robert Betts Klaus-Narr
Benjamin de Loache Sprecher, Speaker

Princeton Glee Club, Fortnightly Club, Mendelssohn Club
Eunice Norton
, piano
The Philadelphia Orchestra
conducted by Leopold Stokowski

Download from €106.40 | Buy on CD from €152.00

STOKOWSKI  The Pristine NBC Symphony Series

A 16-CD set featuring music by: Amfitheatrof, Antheil, Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Butterworth, Cooley, Copland, Creston, Debussy, Gould, Hanson, Harris, Hindemith, Holst, Hovhaness, Kelly, Lavalle, Milhaud, Mohaupt, Ravel, Rimsky-Korsakov, Schoenberg, Schuman, Shostakovich, Stravinsky, Stringfield, Tchaikovsky, Thomson, Vaughan Williams, Wagner

Anne Brown. soprano 
Winifred Heidt.
William Horne.
Lawrence Whisonant.
Eduard Steuermann, piano

Collegiate Chorale

The Westminster Choir
NBC Symphony Orchestra   
conducted by Leopold Stokowski

Save 5% when you purchase the complete set

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COPLAND Short Symphony
MOHAUPT Concerto For Orchestra
LAVALLE Symphonic Rhumba
HANSON Symphony No. 4
AMFITHEATROF De Profundis Clamavi
ANTHEIL Symphony No. 4
SCHOENBERG Piano Concerto

Total duration: 2 hr 16:23
Live broadcast recordings, 1942-1944

Eduard Steuermann, piano
NBC Symphony Orchestra
conducted by Leopold Stokowski