Hermann Uhde

Hermann Uhde
WAGNER Tristan und Isolde
Live festival recording, 1952
Total duration: 3hr 48:33
Tristan - Ramón Vinay
Isolde - Martha Mödl
Brangaene - Ira Malaniuk
Marke - Ludwig Weber
Kurwenal - Hans Hotter
Bayreuth Festival Chorus and Orchestra
conducted by Herbert von Karajan
Recorded in stereo in 1955
Total duration: 2hr 20:49
Hermann Uhde
Rudolf Lustig
Bayreuth Festival Chorus and Orchestra
Joseph Keilberth, conductor
WAGNER Parsifal
Live recording, 1951
Total duration: 4hr 29:23
Amfortas - George London
Titurel - Arnold van Mill
Gurnemanz - Ludwig Weber
Parsifal - Wolfgang Windgassen
Klingsor - Hermann Uhde
Kundry - Martha Mödl
Altsolo - Ruth Siewert
Bayreuth Festival Orchestra & Chorus
conducted by Hans Knappertsbusch
WAGNER Götterdämmerung
Live performance, 1956
Total duration: 4hr 33:28
Brünnhilde - Astrid Varnay
Siegfried - Wolfgang Windgassen
Hagen - Josef Greindl
Alberich - Gustav Neidlinger
Gunther - Hermann Uhde
Gutrune - Gré Brouwenstijn
Bayreuth Festival Chorus and Orchestra
conducted by Hans Knappertsbusch
Live concert recording from 1953
Total duration: 3hr 54:50
conducted by Clemens Krauss