This album is included in the following sets:
This set contains the following albums:
- Producer's Note
- Full Track Listing
- Cover Art
Albert Coates - one of the great pioneering British conductors
Beginning our Coates season from Ward Marston
Introduction to our Albert Coates series:
About five years ago I travelled to the UK for a couple of days in order to meet up with the then editor of Gramophone (and now editor-in-chief), James Jolly. The main subjects of discussion were proposals for the Gramophone website and the possibility of a tie-in with the National Gramophonic Society recordings, a good number of which Gramophone had in storage with EMI.
At the end of our long lunch, with various ideas talked through, our discussion started to range a little wider, and James touched on a name he was really keen to hear more of: Albert Coates. I must admit that at the time I had very little awareness of Coates, but some research revealed him to be one of the greatest and most forward-looking British conductors of his day, a leading Wagnerian, and perhaps as a result of being Russian-born (to an English father), someone with a strong affinity to Russian music.
In 1919 he was appointed chief conductor to the London Symphony Orchestra, and began to make recordings with them for the Columbia Record Company in London. However, a decision by Coates to switch allegiances to HMV a couple of years later led to a number of recordings coming out during the 1920s listing him as conductor of an anonymous orchestra - which was almost certainly comprised largely of "moonlighting" members of the LSO.
Thus his electrical recording of Beethoven's 9th, one of, if not the first microphone recording of the symphony, appeared in 1926 without proper credit, and is still excluded from the main body of the LSO's official discography - and we thus cannot be 100% sure of the precise make-up of the orchestra that does play, though it is listed in an appendix as being the LSO. By 1927 HMV had bagged the LSO and normal service was resumed for a while, though his contract with the orchestra had expired in 1922 and from then on he had no permanent conducting post. He relocated to the US during World War II and thereafter to South Africa, where he died in 1953.
Although Coates continued to record on and off until 1945, it might be well-argued that his major contributions to the recorded canon took place during the 1920s, and it is this period which we're concentrating on in a major series put together by Ward Marston, versions of some of which may have been circulating amongst collectors, but which is seeing its first formal, commercial issue here on Pristine.
The series will bring together both electrical and acoustic recordings and is initially running to 6 volumes, with a possible further three later this year or in 2012.
Andrew Rose, from Pristine Newsletter, 8th July 2011
NB. The present recording of Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 has a significant cut partway into the third movement, similar or possibly identical to a cut Coates used in his earlier, acoustic recording of the symphony. The work is otherwise complete and uncut.
Albert Coates - complete Mozart 'Jupiter' and Beethoven 7th
Rare acoustic recordings in excellent new transfers by Ward Marston
Untangling the Beethoven Symphony No. 7 issues
For this reissue, I transferred the six sides of 1921 from the Victor issue, and the 1922 remakes of movements 3 and 4 from the French W series issue:
Movement I: 25 October 1921; (Cc589-1, Cc590-2) assigned HMV catalogue number D604 but only published on Victor 55165 and later on French HMV W437.
Movement II: 25 October 1921; (Cc591-2, Cc592-2) assigned HMV catalogue number D605 but only published on Victor 55166 and later on French HMV W438.
Movement III (abridged): 25 October 1921; (Cc593-1); assigned HMV catalogue number D606 but only published on Victor 55173.
Movement IV (abridged): 28 October 1921; (Cc605-3) assigned HMV catalogue number D606 but only published on Victor 55173.
Remakes of 3rd and 4th movements, each complete on 2 sides:
Movement III: 17 November 1922; (Cc2166-2, Cc2167-2) assigned HMV catalogue number D927 but only published on French HMV W480.
Movement IV: 17 November 1922; (Cc2168-2, Cc2169-2) assigned HMV catalogue number D928 but only published on French HMV W481.
The HMV files give assigned D series numbers to both recordings as I have indicated, but I don't think they were ever issued. The 1921 six sided version of the symphony was issued on blue label Victor 55165 55166 and 55174. In 1924, HMV planned to issue the first 2 movements from 1921, along with the remakes of the 3rd and 4th movements. It was never issued in England, but years ago, I discovered quite by accident having found a copy, that French HMV had issued it on W 437, 438, 480, and 481.
Ward Marston
Albert Coates: Tchaikovsky's Pathétique Symphony and more
"Fine transfers ensure that Coates’ message comes across loud and clear."
- MusicWeb International
The Pathetique symphony is transferred from quiet Italian pressings, the only set of quiet pressings I have ever seen - late 1930s Italian VDP pressings which yield far quieter surfaces than domestic HMV pressings. This recording has wonderfully ambient sonics but very little low frequency content, The reason being that the performance was transmitted over phone line from Kingsway Hall to Small Queen’s hall. I did what I could to boost the lower frequencies. One can hear that sides 2 and 5 were recorded under different conditions than the rest of the recording. One can also hear some low frequency electronic noises during the final side.
The Romeo and Juliet, with the Glinka filler, was only issued on Czech HMV. I have only seen 3 sets in 30 years and my set is the only one of the three that has no blasting on the loud passages. VDP numbers AW46-48 are listed in Alan Kelly's compilation files, but I have not heard of a copy in circulation. The March Slav is also very scarce.
Ward Marston
BACH (arr Elgar) - Fantasia and Fugue in C minor, BWV 537
Recorded 11 and 12 October 1928
Issued on HMV D1560
*BEETHOVEN - Gratulations-Menuett, WoO 3
Recorded 22 October 1925
Issued on Victor 9048
BEETHOVEN The Creatures of Prometheus - Overture , Op. 43
Recorded 6 January 1927
Issued on HMV D1163
*BEETHOVEN Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125 "CHORAL"
Recorded 14, 15 and 19 October 1926
Transferred from Z shellac Victor pressings 9061-68 (except final disc, from a Victor Orthographic pressing)
Elsie Suddaby, soprano
Nellie Walker, contralto
Walter Widdop, tenor
Stuart Robinson, bass
Philharmonic Choir (dir. Charles Kennedy Scott)
London Symphony Orchestra
Albert Coates, conductor
(*Credited to Symphony Orchestra, probably members of LSO)
Transfers by Ward Marston
Cover artwork based on a photograph of Albert Coates
Special thanks to Richard Kaplan for supply of original 78s used in this transfer
Total duration: 78:04
TCHAIKOVSKY - Symphony No. 5 in E minor, Op. 64
Recorded 25 October, 3 & 17 November, 22 December 1922
Issued on HMV D759-764
TCHAIKOVSKY - Francesca da Rimini - Symphonic Fantasy after Dante, Op 32
Recorded 22 & 24 October 1924
Issued on HMV D951-952
BORODIN - Prince Igor - Ballet [notes / score]
Recorded 18 October 1923
Issued on HMV D795
The Symphony Orchestra
Albert Coates, conductor
(Credited to The Symphony Orchestra, probably members of London Symphony Orchestra)
Transfers by Ward Marston
Cover artwork based on a photograph of Albert Coates
Total duration: 68:50
MOZART - Symphony No. 41 in C, K.551 "JUPITER"
Recorded 27 August and 16 October 1923
Issued on HMV D942-45
MOZART - Der Schauspieldirektor, K486 - Overture
Recorded 22 & 24 October 1924
Issued on HMV D951-952
BEETHOVEN - Symphony No. 7 in A, Op. 92
Recorded 25 & 28 October 1921
Issued on Victor 55165, 55166, 55173
3 & 4 re-recorded 17 November 1922
Issued on French HMV W480, W481
The Symphony Orchestra
Albert Coates, conductor
(Credited to The Symphony Orchestra, probably members of London Symphony Orchestra)
Transfers by Ward Marston
Cover artwork based on a photograph of Albert Coates
Total duration: 70:41
Issued on English HMV D1190-94, on VDP AW148-152, Gramola ES232-236, and Electrola EJ116-120
Movement I: CR665-2A, CR666-3, CR667-2, CR668-2.
Movement II: CR669-2A, CR670-1.
Movement III: CR671-1, CR672-1.
Movement IV: CR673-1A, CR674-1A
Recorded 11 October 1928
Issued on HMV ES481-3
matrices Cc20616-2 and Cc20617-1;
Recorded 11 October 1928
Issued on HMV ES481-3
Matrices: Cc13707-2, Cc13701-1, Cc13702-2, Cc13703-1, and Cc13704-1.
issued only on Czech HMV ES481-3.
VDP numbers AW46-48 are listed in Alan Kelly's compilation files, but I have not heard of a copy in circulation.
Recorded 17 October 1928
Issued on HMV ES483
Matrix Cc13723-2
All recordings: Kingsway Hall, London
London Symphony Orchestra
Albert Coates, conductor
Recorded 5 May 1922; Matrix Cc1292-2; Issued on HMV D658.
Recorded 10 May and 14 July 1922.
Issued on HMV D732-734.
Side 1 recorded 14 July 1922; matrix Cc1307-4; HMV D732.
Side 2 recorded 10 May 1922; matrix Cc1308-2; HMV D732.
Side 3 recorded 10 May 1922; matrix Cc1309-2; HMV D733.
Side 4 recorded 14 July 1922; matrix Cc1310-4; HMV D733.
Side 5 recorded 14 July 1922; matrix Cc1659-1; HMV D734.
Side 6 recorded 14 July 1922; matrix Cc1660-3; HMV D734.
Recorded 14 July 1922; matrix Cc1661-1; HMV D658.
Recorded 24 and 29 October 1924. Issued on HMV D958 and 959.
Side 1: 1. Introduction – Kashchei's Enchanted Garden – Dance of the Firebird
recorded 29 October 1924; matrix Cc5298-1; HMV 958
Side 2: 2. Supplication Of The Firebird
recorded 29 October 1924; matrix Cc5297-2; HMV D958.
Side 3: 3. The Princesses' Game With The Golden Apples; 4. The Princesses’ Khorovod
recorded 24 October 1924; matrix Cc5291-1; HMV D959.
Side 4: 5. Infernal Dance Of All Kashchei's Subjects
recorded 29 October 1924; matrix Cc5296-2; HMV D959.
Recorded 28 October 1921; matrix Cc608-2; HMV D620
Recorded 25 April 1922; matrix Cc1243-2; HMV D620.
Recorded 25 November 1921, and 25 April 1922. Issued on HMV D708 and 709.
Side 1, Pavane de la Belle au Bois Dormant; Petit Poucet.
recorded 25 November 1921; matrix Cc709-2; HMV D708.
Side 2, Laideronette, Impératrice des Pagodes.
recorded 25 November 1921; matrix Cc710-3; HMV D708.
Side 3, Les entretiens; De la Belle et de la Bête.
recorded 25 April 1922; matrix Cc1241-3; HMV D709.
Side 4, Le Jardin Férique.
recorded 25 April 1922; matrix Cc1242-2; HMV D709.
London Symphony Orchestra
Albert Coates, conductor
Acoustic HMV recordings 1921-24
Transfers by Ward Marston
Cover artwork based on a photograph of Albert Coates
Total duration: 70:19
Recorded 16 February 1928. matrices CR-1699-1A and CR-1700-1;
HMV D1491.
Matrix CR-2454-3, Recorded 8 October 1929, Queen’s Hall, transmitted by phone line to Small Queen’s Hall; matrix Cc-17848-2, recorded 5 November 1929, Hayes Main Studio.
Issued on HMV D1744.
Recorded 7 May 1930, Queen’s Hall, transmitted by phone line to Small Queen’s Hall.
Matrices CR-2486-2 and CR-2487-2; Issued on HMV D1855.
Recorded 26 October 1926, Kingsway Hall, transmitted by phone line to Small Qqueen’s Hall.
Matrices CR-815-1 and CR-816-1;Issued on HMV D1210.
Recorded 24 October 1927, Queen’s Hall, transmitted by phone line to Small Queen’s Hall; matrices CR-1554-1 and CR-1555-1A; Issued on HMV D1528.
Recorded 19 and 24 October 1927, Queen’s Hall, transmitted by phone line to Small Queen’s Hall;; 5 January and 15 February 1928. Kingsway Hall; transmitted by phone line to Small Queen’s Hall.
Issued on HMV D1521-1524.
This set was also issued on Italian and Czech HMV as well as Electrola but never on Victor.
The matrix and date information is as follows:
Side 1. CR-1542-2B (19 October 1927)
Side 2. CR-1543-3A (5 January 1928)
Side 3. CR-1544-1A (19 October 1927)
Side 4. CR-1545-4 (15 February 1928)
Side 5. CR-1546-1A (19 October 1927)
Side 6. CR-1547-2 (15 February 1928)
Side 7. CR-1552-1A (24 October 1927)
Side 8. CR-1553-2 (24 October 1927)
The present transfer was made from mid-1930s Electrola pressings, EJ381-384.
London Symphony Orchestra
Albert Coates, conductor
Electric HMV recordings 1926-30
Transfers by Ward Marston
Cover artwork based on a photograph of Albert Coates
Total duration: 73:15