The Columbia Beethoven Centennial Symphony Series complete (1926/27) - PABX013

The Columbia Beethoven Centennial Symphony Series complete (1926/27) - PABX013

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  • Sold Out! - 5 CDs with case & artwork (+MP3)


Click below to expand note:
The Columbia Beethoven Centennial Symphony Series, Volume 1 (1926/27) - PASC366
The Columbia Beethoven Centennial Symphony Series, Volume 2 (1926) - PASC386
The Columbia Beethoven Centennial Symphony Series, Volume 3 (1927) - PASC399
The Columbia Beethoven Centennial Symphony Series, Volume 4 (1926/27) - PASC414
The Columbia Beethoven Centennial Symphony Series, Volume 5 (1926) - PASC427
Click below to expand track listing:
The Columbia Beethoven Centennial Symphony Series, Volume 1 (1926/27) - PASC366
The Columbia Beethoven Centennial Symphony Series, Volume 2 (1926) - PASC386
The Columbia Beethoven Centennial Symphony Series, Volume 3 (1927) - PASC399
The Columbia Beethoven Centennial Symphony Series, Volume 4 (1926/27) - PASC414
The Columbia Beethoven Centennial Symphony Series, Volume 5 (1926) - PASC427

Fanfare Review

I thought it exhilarating


This concludes Pristine’s CD issue of the first complete cycle of the Beethoven symphonies to be recorded electrically. The series coincided with the centennial of Beethoven’s 1827 death. Actually, the Ninth was the first to be recorded and replaced an acoustic recording of the piece by Weingartner that was abandoned when electrical recording arrived. According to Mark Obert-Thorn, who did the fine transfer and added just a touch of resonance to enliven the original’s dry sound, the centennial series was conceived after Weingartner’s recording was made and it became a part of the cycle by default. At the time, Weingartner, who went on to record Beethoven’s four previous symphonies as part of the cycle, was regarded as something of a Beethoven expert, though he was erratic about observing cuts, reorchestrated if he thought it necessary, and pretty much ignored the composer’s metronome markings. This is an observation, not a criticism. What gives his two recordings of the Ninth a certain cachet, at least for me, is that, when he was a young man he was introduced to an elderly women who had sung in the chorus at the 1824 Vienna premiere, which was conducted by Beethoven himself. Imagine how thrilling that must have been—two degrees of separation from Beethoven!

He recorded the symphony a second time in 1935 with the Vienna Philharmonic, and it was those 78s that I learned the piece on. The performances are quite similar with two exceptions: The 1927 one, like two other early Ninths (Coates and Stokowski) is sung in English, and he takes the finale faster on the earlier recording. The faster tempo bothered me not a bit; in fact, I thought it exhilarating and, while the English text, often incomprehensible, is no asset, the soloists are quite good—Harold Williams still sounds like himself 20 years later. It seems to me that, perhaps due to the use of a slightly smaller string section and/or “tighter” acoustics, more inner detail is heard on the 1927 recording than on the later one. These two Weingartners, needless to say, have been surpassed sonically through the years, but in their straightforward, no-nonsense directness, they still hold up very nicely as performances, per se. and I’m delighted to have them both.

James Miller
This article originally appeared in Issue 38:5 (May/June 2015) of Fanfare Magazine.

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